OK everyone, here I am with my pillow and air conditioning, so I can relax and give the needs/wants list some thought! Wish List . Sonny asked me to let you know that the horses really need/want a new salt lick on a rope. The horses do have a mineral salt block, but they love the one on a rope . . . Sonny even asked Sister Mary to take a picture so you can see how little of the old one is left. This is the link address for the salt, I think - being a cat, I'm not always sure how these computer things work: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KAD811Ccoliid=I116YBFBB2LXVK&colid=1FB5Z27CS0ZPN&psc=0&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it But on to other practical needs and wishes: 1. laundry detergent 2. white copy paper 3. HP black ink cartridges #61 4. paper towels 5. $$ for our electric bill - with the temperature into the high 90s and 100s we are really needing our air conditioners. Thanks for remembering us when you shop! As you all know by now, Sister Mary lo...
A few everyday glimpses of life from a lifelong safe haven for orphaned, injured, ill, unwanted, or abandoned domestic animals and sanctuary for local wildlife