This Black and Yellow Garden Spider has been in the yard for days now - first she made her web right beside the duck water . . . I told her to find another place! The next day her web was across the gate into the yard - fortunately I saw it before I walked into it! So yesterday she made a web inside the chicken enclosure . . . at least it's in an area I can avoid and it's mostly too high for the chickens to destroy. She is catching flies, so I guess all is well! Want more information? - from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources Black and yellow garden spider ( Argiope aurantia ) True to its name, the black and yellow garden spider is often seen in and around gardens. These spiders are orb-weavers, meaning that they spin their webs in a circle or an orb. These webs can be up to 2 feet across, while the spiders themselves can have a leg span of nearly 2.5 inches! Females are much larger than the males, and often times, these spiders will decorate their web...
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