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Remembering my paternal grandmother

Today would be the 120th birthday of my father's mother, Edith Belle Bradley Shepherd - her birth name was Isabelle Miller, but she was adopted at the age of 5 by her Bradley relatives. She was a complicated, very complex person - who isn't?! - but I loved her and loved staying with her on weekends when I was young. She died 37 years ago - may she rest in peace, and rise in glory, and may her memory always be a blessing.

Early Weekends

Weekends with my grandmother
Were wondrous experiences:
Making miniature bouquets of pink sweetheart roses;
Sucking juice from an orange through a peppermint stick;
Weeding the flower beds and pulling carrots for lunch;
Jumping rope to fifty-year-old rhymes;
Eating “exotic” foods:  asparagus spears, sardines, kippered herring;
Believing there was a ghost living in the cool, dank cellar;
Moongazing with my great-grandmother;
Watching television late into the night – first Dragnet, then
                Hoping against hope that I’d fall asleep before
                Alfred Hitchcock walked into his cartoon outline.

[-from Handful of Stars, 2018]


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