It came as a complete surprise to discover this morning that our kitty Yanah had departed for the Rainbow Bridge. Yanah was young, and from all appearances, quite healthy - she loved canned cat food and she was always energetic - running, jumping, and playing in Chewy boxes. Yanah came to Sanctuary House as a very feral kitten - she did not like people, but she loved other cats. In the few years that she lived here, she had decided that she would touch my hand, but God forbid that I touch her! Nevertheless, we had our routines: every morning when I fed the cats I put some aside especially for her . . . and we often discussed the possibility of her letting me pet her. . . . maybe when we next meet at the Bridge, Yanah!
I am very glad to report that three, or maybe four, wren nestlings are doing well! Both parents feed the babies, and they are extremely busy these days. The wrens are not at all happy when multiple beagles run past their flower pot nest, so we are trying to keep doggie outdoor playtime to a minimum. Fortunately, since the weather is quite hot, the beagles are content to be in the air conditioned house On a sad note today, our kitty Anastasia left us for the Rainbow Bridge - not a great surprise since she was about 18 years old, but she ate supper last night, and I didn't expect to find her gone this morning. Over the years, Anastasia had served as foster mom to several kittens, especially Pye and Weej, two black kittens whom we saved from being thrown into the Manokin River. Farewell Anastasia - we'll see you again at the Bridge! And for a puzzle, Noelle on the edge of the cabinet where she likes to nap!
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